AUG 5, 2008 – 12:00AM

Man, is it hot.

You know this, unless you live someplace cool, like Death Valley.

OK, so Death Valley’s really warmer, but it’s a dry heat. How dry? The forecast for 3 p.m. Monday in Lawrence called for 100 degrees, with a heat index of 107.

Death Valley was forecast to hit 116 at 3 p.m. Monday, but it would feel like – and I’m not making this up – a mere 115.

That’s dry.

When I got around to checking, Lawrence at 3 p.m. Monday was 101, but it felt like 109. Death Valley: 114, felt like … 114.

Flip a coin.

Given our sudden surge into triple digits, I’d like to take this opportunity to apologize to all of my co-workers, or at least all of those within sniffin’ distance.

I smell.


I don’t mean to, and it’s not for lack of showering.


But when it gets this hot, I can’t help but work up a bit of a sweat on my rides to work, no matter how slow I go.

I ride in almost all conditions. I ride year-round, in rain and cold and wind. I don’t ride in thunderstorms or ice, but I’ll ride in just about every other element, including snow and, yes, oppressive, sweat-inducing heat.

Truth be told, I have a harder time riding in 100-degree heat than just about any other weather.

I always can pull on another layer when it’s cold.

I just go slower when it’s really windy.

I simply resign myself to getting wet when it’s rainy, though I have been known to pull under shelter when it’s really coming down.

But there’s really no respite from the heat on a bike.

There’s a limit to how little I can wear without being arrested, and buck-naked is no way to ride a bike.

I wear whatever wicking-ware I can and pick the shadiest path possible, and still I get to the office … and drip.

And, no doubt, smell.

I know there are all sorts of tricks to avoid the stench. I’ve tried “freshening up” in the rest room, but I refuse to mask the odor with manscents. The only thing worse than B.O., I figure, is B.O. and Axe Body Spray.

I suppose I could take advantage of the office shower facilities, but then I’d have to come in even earlier and arrange for a change of clothes.

So I choose to stink.

I just hope my co-workers don’t mind too much.

Given the whole buck-naked alternative, I’m sure they’ll find a way to cope.